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Top Risks for Healthcare Workers in the Inland Empire
The healthcare industry represents one of the top employers for workers in the Inland Empire. According to the City of Riverside, its top two employers are both involved in this field, with the Riverside Community Hospital alone employing approximately 2,200 individuals. For many healthcare workers, this field represents an opportunity to give back to… Read More »
Top Risks for Factory Workers in California
Although California is in the process of revamping its manufacturing industry, the State already represents a global leader in this field. It is the top State in the nation in terms of manufacturing output, and it employs over 1.2 million workers in this specific field. California also exported $134 billion in manufactured goods during… Read More »
How Do I Pay for My Medical Bills After a Car Accident in the Inland Empire?
Medical expenses can come as a real shock for survivors of serious car accidents in the Inland Empire. Although the California Health Care Foundation estimates per capita healthcare spending at about $10,000, your bills could be much higher after suffering injuries in a collision. Who pays for these bills? What’s your best source of… Read More »
Why are Slips and Falls So Problematic for Seniors in the Inland Empire?
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, falls represent the leading cause of death for adults over the age of 65. The Inland Empire is home to many of these seniors, and many families in California lose their beloved elder relatives due to this prevalent threat each year. Why are slips and… Read More »
How Legal Marijuana Affects Workers’ Compensation in California
For years, marijuana has been legal for both recreational and medical use in California, but how does this affect workers’ compensation? Many employees may engage in recreational use before, after, or even during work. If the work is of a highly monotonous nature, employees may be even more inclined to engage in marijuana usage…. Read More »
Innocent Bystanders Harmed By Police Chases in California
Although police almost always engage in pursuits in order to uphold public safety, these chases sometimes lead to more harm than good. Time and time again, we have seen innocent people suffer serious injuries as a result of police chases. These people never committed any crimes, and they were simply in the wrong place… Read More »
Are Police Officers in California Covered by Workers’ Compensation?
According to Statistica, there are over 90,000 state and local police officers throughout California. Many of these individuals put themselves in dangerous situations every single day, and as such there is always the potential for injuries among this workforce. While police officers play a special role in society, they are still normal employees just… Read More »
Pursuing Compensation for an e-Bike Crash in California
A wide array of e-bikes, e-scooters, and even e-skateboards have become ubiquitous across California’s major cities. While these new vehicles offer numerous advantages, their hazards are often understated. Even if you manage to operate your e-bike safely, there is no guarantee other drivers will operate their own vehicles with equal care. There are also… Read More »
Injured by Driverless Vehicles in California: Who Do I Sue?
While big tech companies are quick to sing the praises of AI, there are still questions about the safety of this software, especially when it comes to self-driving vehicles in California. Is this technology really as safe as Silicon Valley claims? Judging by the number of accidents across California and the entire nation, the… Read More »
How Can California Employees Get Compensation After a Workplace Shooting?
Despite numerous gun control efforts, California continues to experience numerous shootings each year. Some of these shootings occur in workplaces, and some of the most notable recent examples of gun violence have involved employees. If you have been injured in a shooting while at work, you might be wondering how to recover compensation for… Read More »