Common Summertime Personal Injuries
Summer is a time for lots of fun in the sun. Most people spend the majority of their time outdoors, at events with family and friends, and traveling. The kids are out of school and most families tend to vacation in the summer time. This can also be a time that fun turns into pain. Summertime personal injuries are extremely common and, unfortunately, can be very serious. Summertime personal injuries can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Some common summertime personal injuries include:
Boating Accidents
There are so many people on the water, and sometimes, not everyone is paying as much attention as they should.
Firework Injuries
Fireworks should be left to the professionals, but we all know that everyone enjoys a little backyard light show.
Increased Car Accidents
There is a large increase in the number of car accidents that occur in the summer, and unfortunately, more drinking and driving occurs as well.
Motorcycle Accidents
More people tend to ride their bikes in the summer, and other drivers tend to be more distracted while on the road.
Swimming pool Incidents
Whether you are at a public pool, Water Park, or even someone else’s home; swimming accidents are very serious.
Amusement Park Accidents
Amusement park accidents are not uncommon and very preventable injuries that occur in the summertime.
Camping Injuries
Common personal injuries while camping can be prevented if the right precautions are taken.
Some of these may be minor accidents with little to no injury; we should all be so lucky. But some of these can be very serious and require medical attention. If any of these very common injuries happen to you, know that you have rights. If you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, you may be able to receive compensation. Summer is a wonderful time, but be careful. Remember that if any of these common summertime personal injuries happen to you, you can get the help you need to get through it, call the Moga Law Firm today.

Scot Thomas Moga, a dedicated attorney in San Bernardino & Riverside Counties who represents clients in the many types of personal injury, workers’ compensation and estate planning cases.