Farm Owners Sued for Half Moon Bay Shooting

Workplace shootings have become all too common in California. One of the most shocking examples occurred in 2023 when a disgruntled mushroom farmer brought a firearm to work and killed numerous co-workers. This incident has sparked several personal injury lawsuits against the owner of the mushroom farm. Although you might assume that all workplace injuries can only lead to workers’ compensation claims, this lawsuit highlights the possibility of additional compensation after workplace shootings in California. If you or a loved one has been affected by workplace violence, it’s crucial to seek legal counsel from a qualified workplace injury attorney in California to explore all avenues for compensation and justice.
Half Moon Bay Survivors Sue Mushroom Farm Owners
In April of 2024, it was reported that the surviving family members of a deceased worker were suing the owners of a mushroom farm in California. This farm was the site of one of the worst workplace massacres in recent memory, and it ended with seven fatalities. Although the gunman eventually faced seven charges of first-degree murder, there may be additional civil consequences for the farm owners in the aftermath of this tragedy.
The question is whether the farm owners contributed to the attack or allowed it to occur in an unreasonable, negligent fashion. The lawsuit claims that the “deplorable working conditions” represented a contributing factor in the violence. In addition, they argue that the farm owners should have had better security systems in place to prevent these attacks.
A key aspect of these lawsuits will undoubtedly revolve around the “foreseeability” of the attack. Did the employers have any warning of what the gunman was about to do? Did he threaten to take action unless his working conditions were improved? These are some of the questions that may arise during a potential trial.
It is clear that both farms involved in the attacks had committed numerous safety violations prior to the incident. There are also clear records of workplace violence in the years and months leading up to the attack. This could be enough for plaintiffs to establish that the final attack should have been foreseen by the farm operators.
Suing for Workplace Violence
Suing for workplace violence may be complex in California. The obvious option is to file a workers’ compensation claim – but this does not cover non-economic damages. After a shooting, you may experience PTSD, disfigurement, depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, and even “survivor’s guilt.” These are all examples of non-economic damages that are not covered by workers’ comp. As a result, you may explore the possibility of a personal injury lawsuit to cover these damages.
Choose an Experienced Workplace Shooting Lawyer in the Inland Empire
If you have been injured after a violent workplace incident in California, you may have more options for compensation than you realize. To discuss your legal options in detail, you might want to speak directly with a workplace injury lawyer in Inland Empire. Choose the Moga Law Firm to pursue compensation alongside experienced workplace injury attorneys. To give yourself the best possible chance of success, start this legal process immediately by calling us at 909-931-2444.

Scot Thomas Moga, a dedicated attorney in San Bernardino & Riverside Counties who represents clients in the many types of personal injury, workers’ compensation and estate planning cases.