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Suing for Escalator Injuries in Riverside

Suing for Escalator Injuries in Riverside

If you were injured while riding an escalator in Riverside, you may be wondering about your legal options. Is it possible to file a lawsuit and recover compensation for damages like medical expenses, missed earnings, and emotional distress? What happens if your escalator accident has left you permanently disabled?

In this situation, you may want to contact an established personal injury law firm in Riverside. Experienced personal injury attorneys in Riverside may be able to help you strive for justice, closure, and compensation. Moga Law Firm is home to Scot Moga, a personal injury lawyer with over almost 30 years of experience. He has been assisting injured plaintiffs like you since first establishing this law firm in 1996.

An Escalator Accident Could Lead to a Premises Liability Lawsuit

An escalator accident could fall into the general category of “premises liability.” When you file a premises liability lawsuit, you hold a property owner liable for your injuries. All property owners owe people a “duty of care.” This means that under normal, reasonable circumstances, the property owner is supposed to do everything in their power to avoid injuries on the premises.

If a property owner breaches this duty and a person becomes injured as a result, they may become “liable” for the victim’s injuries. As a result, their property insurance company may need to cover the victim’s medical costs, missed earnings, emotional distress, and other damages.

However, injured plaintiffs must prove negligence if they want to recover compensation. This isn’t always easy, and it requires the plaintiff to establish four “elements.” This includes not only breach of duty but also causation and injuries. A plaintiff can establish their injuries by simply showing their medical records.

However, establishing causation may be more challenging in the context of escalator accidents. You must show that your injuries are a direct result of the property owner’s negligence – and not some other factor.

Why Do Escalator Accidents Occur?

Escalator accidents can occur for various reasons. Sometimes, the victims are to blame for their own injuries. For example, a person might have tried to film a viral dance video on an escalator before falling and suffering severe injuries. In this situation, the victim may struggle to file a lawsuit – since they contributed to their own injuries.

However, the injuries may also be directly caused by some kind of malfunction or defect. For example, the escalator might have suddenly started running in reverse, causing you to fall forward and suffer a traumatic brain injury. In this situation, you might argue that the property owner was not conducting the necessary repairs or inspections.

Contact a Personal Injury Law Firm in Riverside

If you were injured in an escalator accident, a Riverside personal injury lawyer may be able to help. With assistance from one of these legal professionals, you can explore your options and pursue compensation with confidence. Choose Moga Law Firm to work alongside an experienced personal injury attorney who can hold property owners accountable. Dial 909-931-2444 for further guidance.

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