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Top Risks for Healthcare Workers in the Inland Empire

Top Risks for Healthcare Workers in the Inland Empire

The healthcare industry represents one of the top employers for workers in the Inland Empire. According to the City of Riverside, its top two employers are both involved in this field, with the Riverside Community Hospital alone employing approximately 2,200 individuals. For many healthcare workers, this field represents an opportunity to give back to the community – to serve others in a truly meaningful manner. Unfortunately (and somewhat ironically), healthcare workers often endanger their own well-being while attempting to help others. 


Unfortunately, many workers in the healthcare industry face the risk of violence every single day. Patients can become highly emotional, and many suffer from temporary or permanent mental health issues. They may become highly defensive and violent toward healthcare workers who are just trying to help. 

If you have suffered injuries due to a violent incident in the workplace, you are fully justified in filing a workers’ compensation claim. These types of injuries still qualify as workplace incidents, and a claim can lead to helpful compensation. 


Another major risk faced by healthcare workers is the possibility of infection. Inevitably, these workers come into contact with all kinds of diseases and infections. These can easily spread, causing temporary or permanent injuries to workers. The recent Covid-19 crisis highlighted these risks with stunning clarity, but this danger is nothing new for healthcare workers. 

The World Health Organization specifically highlights a number of potential infections for workers, including HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and tuberculosis. 

Exposure to Radiation and Chemicals

Workers in hospitals, pharmacies, and clinics may become exposed to a wide range of chemicals and radiation hazards. These chemicals may be extremely harmful, and they have the potential to cause fatal injuries. Radiation can also lead to long-term cancer risks, especially for workers who handle X-rays, chemotherapy, and other forms of radiation-related treatments. 

Latex Injuries

One of the most understated injuries associated with the healthcare industry involves latex exposure. It is no secret that many workers come into contact with latex on a daily basis, and this long-term exposure can lead to the development of allergies. This type of allergy can lead to hives, itching, runny noses, and even difficulty breathing. In some cases, latex allergies can cause a life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis, which can restrict the airway and suffocate patients. 

Find an Experienced Workers’ Comp Lawyer in the Inland Empire

If you have been searching for an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in the Inland Empire, look no further than the Moga Law Firm. We understand the unique risks faced by healthcare workers in California, and we can help you pursue the compensation you need for any injuries you might have suffered on the job. As healthcare workers, you already know the importance of effective treatment. Make sure you have access to the same quality of care you provide – and reach out today to pursue a claim.

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